3 Implementation

The main components in a TensorFlow system are the client, which uses the Session interface to communicate with the master, and one or more worker processes, with each worker process responsible for arbitrating access to one or more computational devices (such as CPU cores or GPU cards) and for executing graph nodes on those devices as instructed by the master. We have both lo-cal and distributed implementations of the TensorFlow interface. The local implementation is used when the client, the master, and the worker all run on a single ma-chine in the context of a single operating system process (possibly with multiple devices, if for example, the ma-chine has many GPU cards installed). The distributed implementation shares most of the code with the local implementation, but extends it with support for an en-vironment where the client, the master, and the workers can all be in different processes on different machines. In our distributed environment, these different tasks are containers in jobs managed by a cluster scheduling sys-tem [51]. These two different modes are illustrated in Figure 3. Most of the rest of this section discusses is-sues that are common to both implementations, while Section 3.3 discusses some issues that are particular to the distributed implementation.


Devices are the computational heart of TensorFlow. Each worker is responsible for one or more devices, and each device has a device type, and a name. Device names are composed of pieces that identify the de-vice’s type, the device’s index within the worker, and, in our distributed setting, an identification of the job and task of the worker (or localhost for the case where the devices are local to the process). Example device names are "/job:localhost/device:cpu:0" or "/job:worker/task:17/device:gpu:3". We have implementations of our Device interface for CPUs and GPUs, and new device implementations for other de-vice types can be provided via a registration mechanism. Each device object is responsible for managing alloca-tion and deallocation of device memory, and for arrang-ing for the execution of any kernels that are requested by higher levels in the TensorFlow implementation.


A tensor in our implementation is a typed, multi-dimensional array. We support a variety of tensor ele-ment types, including signed and unsigned integers rang-ing in size from 8 bits to 64 bits, IEEE float and double types, a complex number type, and a string type (an ar-bitrary byte array). Backing store of the appropriate size is managed by an allocator that is specific to the device on which the tensor resides. Tensor backing store buffers are reference counted and are deallocated when no refer-ences remain.

3.1 Single-Device Execution

Let’s first consider the simplest execution scenario: a sin-gle worker process with a single device. The nodes of the graph are executed in an order that respects the depen-dencies between nodes. In particular, we keep track of a count per node of the number of dependencies of that node that have not yet been executed. Once this count drops to zero, the node is eligible for execution and is added to a ready queue. The ready queue is processed in some unspecified order, delegating execution of the ker-nel for a node to the device object. When a node has finished executing, the counts of all nodes that depend on the completed node are decremented.

3.2 Multi-Device Execution

Once a system has multiple devices, there are two main complications: deciding which device to place the com-putation for each node in the graph, and then managing the required communication of data across device bound-aries implied by these placement decisions. This subsec-tion discusses these two issues.

3.2.1 Node Placement

Given a computation graph, one of the main responsi-bilities of the TensorFlow implementation is to map the computation onto the set of available devices. A sim-plified version of this algorithm is presented here. See Section 4.3 for extensions supported by this algorithm.

One input to the placement algorithm is a cost model, which contains estimates of the sizes (in bytes) of the input and output tensors for each graph node, along with estimates of the computation time required for each node when presented with its input tensors. This cost model is either statically estimated based on heuristics associated with different operation types, or is measured based on an actual set of placement decisions for earlier execu-tions of the graph.

The placement algorithm first runs a simulated execu-tion of the graph. The simulation is described below and ends up picking a device for each node in the graph using greedy heuristics. The node to device placement gener-ated by this simulation is also used as the placement for the real execution.

The placement algorithm starts with the sources of the computation graph, and simulates the activity on each device in the system as it progresses. For each node that is reached in this traversal, the set of feasible devices is considered (a device may not be feasible if the device does not provide a kernel that implements the particular operation). For nodes with multiple feasible devices, the placement algorithm uses a greedy heuristic that exam-ines the effects on the completion time of the node of placing the node on each possible device. This heuristic takes into account the estimated or measured execution time of the operation on that kind of device from the cost model, and also includes the costs of any communica-tion that would be introduced in order to transmit inputs to this node from other devices to the considered device. The device where the node’s operation would finish the soonest is selected as the device for that operation, and the placement process then continues onwards to make placement decisions for other nodes in the graph, includ-ing downstream nodes that are now ready for their own simulated execution. Section 4.3 describes some exten-sions that allow users to provide hints and partial con-straints to guide the placement algorithm. The placement algorithm is an area of ongoing development within the system.

3.2.2 Cross-Device Communication

Once the node placement has been computed, the graph is partitioned into a set of subgraphs, one per device. Any cross-device edge from x to y is removed and replaced by an edge from x to a new Send node in x’s subgraph and an edge from a corresponding Receive node to y in y’s subgraph. See Figure 4 for an example of this graph transformation.

Figure 4: Before & after insertion of Send/Receive nodes

At runtime, the implementations of the Send and Re-ceive nodes coordinate to transfer data across devices. This allows us to isolate all communication inside Send and Receive implementations, which simplifies the rest of the runtime.

When we insert Send and Receive nodes, we canoni-calize all users of a particular tensor on a particular de-vice to use a single Receive node, rather than one Re-ceive node per downstream user on a particular device. This ensures that the data for the needed tensor is only transmitted once between a source device → destination device pair, and that memory for the tensor on the desti-nation device is only allocated once, rather than multiple times (e.g., see nodes b and c in Figure 4)

By handling communication in this manner, we also allow the scheduling of individual nodes of the graph on different devices to be decentralized into the work-ers: the Send and Receive nodes impart the necessary synchronization between different workers and devices, and the master only needs to issue a single Run request per graph execution to each worker that has any nodes for the graph, rather than being involved in the scheduling of every node or every cross-device communication. This makes the system much more scalable and allows much finer-granularity node executions than if the scheduling were forced to be done by the master.

3.3 Distributed Execution

Distributed execution of a graph is very similar to multi-device execution. After device placement, a subgraph is created per device. Send/Receive node pairs that com-municate across worker processes use remote communi-cation mechanisms such as TCP or RDMA to move data across machine boundaries.

Fault Tolerance

Failures in a distributed execution can be detected in a variety of places. The main ones we rely on are (a) an error in a communication between a Send and Receive node pair, and (b) periodic health-checks from the master process to every worker process.

When a failure is detected, the entire graph execution is aborted and restarted from scratch. Recall however that Variable nodes refer to tensors that persist across ex-ecutions of the graph. We support consistent checkpoint-ing and recovery of this state on a restart. In partcular, each Variable node is connected to a Save node. These Save nodes are executed periodically, say once every N iterations, or once every N seconds. When they execute, the contents of the variables are written to persistent stor-age, e.g., a distributed file system. Similarly each Vari-able is connected to a Restore node that is only enabled in the first iteration after a restart. See Section 4.2 for details on how some nodes can only be enabled on some executions of the graph.

2. Programming Model and Basic Concepts

A TensorFlow computation is described by a directed graph, which is composed of a set of nodes. The graph represents a dataflow computation, with extensions for allowing some kinds of nodes to maintain and update persistent state and for branching and looping control structures within the graph in a manner similar to Naiad [36]. Clients typically construct a computational graph using one of the supported frontend languages (C++ or Python). An example fragment to construct and then execute a TensorFlow graph using the Python front end is shown in Figure 1, and the resulting computation graph in Figure 2. 

In a TensorFlow graph, each node has zero or more in-puts and zero or more outputs, and represents the instantiation of an operation. Values that flow along normal edges in the graph (from outputs to inputs) are tensors, arbitrary dimensionality arrays where the underlying element type is specified or inferred at graph-construction time. Special edges, called control dependencies, can also exist in the graph: no data flows along such edges, but they indicate that the source node for the control dependence must finish executing before the destination node for the control dependence starts executing. Since our model includes mutable state, control dependencies can be used directly by clients to enforce happens before relationships. Our implementation also sometimes inserts control dependencies to enforce orderings between otherwise independent operations as a way of, for example, controlling the peak memory usage. 

Operations and Kernels

An operation has a name and represents an abstract computation (e.g., “matrix multiply”, or “add”). An operation can have attributes, and all attributes must be provided or inferred at graph-construction time in order to instantiate a node to perform the operation. One common use of attributes is to make operations polymorphic over different tensor element types (e.g., add of two tensors of type float versus add of two tensors of type int32). A kernel is a particular implementation of an operation that can be run on a particular type of device (e.g., CPU or GPU). A TensorFlow binary defines the sets of operations and kernels available via a registration mechanism, and this set can be extended by linking in additional operation and/or kernel definitions/registrations. Table 1 shows some of the kinds of operations built into the core TensorFlow library. 


Clients programs interact with the TensorFlow system by creating a Session. To create a computation graph, the Session interface supports an Extend method to augment the current graph managed by the session with additional nodes and edges (the initial graph when a session is created is empty). The other primary operation supported by the session interface is Run, which takes a set of out-put names that need to be computed, as well as an optional set of tensors to be fed into the graph in place of certain outputs of nodes. Using the arguments to Run, the TensorFlow implementation can compute the transitive closure of all nodes that must be executed in order to compute the outputs that were requested, and can then arrange to execute the appropriate nodes in an order that respects their dependencies (as described in more detail in 3.1). Most of our uses of TensorFlow set up a Session with a graph once, and then execute the full graph or a few distinct subgraphs thousands or millions of times via Run calls. 


In most computations a graph is executed multiple times. Most tensors do not survive past a single execution of the graph. However, a Variable is a special kind of operation that returns a handle to a persistent mutable tensor that survives across executions of a graph. Handles to these persistent mutable tensors can be passed to a handful of special operations, such as Assign and AssignAdd (equivalent to +=) that mutate the referenced tensor. For machine learning applications of TensorFlow, the parameters of the model are typically stored in tensors held in variables, and are updated as part of the Run of the training graph for the model. 


TensorFlow [1] is an interface for expressing machine learning algorithms, and an implementation for executing such algorithms. A computation expressed using TensorFlow can be executed with little or no change on a wide variety of heterogeneous systems, ranging from mobile devices such as phones and tablets up to large-scale distributed systems of hundreds of machines and thousands of computational devices such as GPU cards. The system is flexible and can be used to express a wide variety of algorithms, including training and inference algorithms for deep neural network models, and it has been used for conducting research and for deploying machine learning systems into production across more than a dozen areas of computer science and other fields, including speech recognition, computer vision, robotics, information retrieval, natural language processing, geographic information extraction, and computational drug discovery. This paper describes the TensorFlow interface and an implementation of that interface that we have built at Google. The TensorFlow API and a reference implementation were released as an open-source package under the Apache 2.0 license in November, 2015 and are available at www.tensorflow.org.


텐서플로는 머신 러닝 알고리즘을 표현하는 인터페이스이며, 이러한 알고리즘을 실행하기 위해 구현됐다. 텐서플로는 활용한 연산은 스마트폰, 태블릿부터 그래픽카드와 같은 수천개의 연산장치까지 다양한 시스템을 그대로 이용할 수 있다. 이 시스템은 유연하며, 심층 신경망 모델의 알고리즘을 추론하고 학습하는 것부터 시작해 음성 인식, 컴퓨터 비전, 로보틱스, 정보 검색, 자연어처리, 지리정보 추출, 연산 제약 발견과 같은 다양한 분야에서 기계 학습 시스템을 적용하고 연구할 수 있다. 이 논문은 텐서플로 인터페이스에 대해 설명하며 구글에서 구성된 인터페이스로 구현됐다. 텐서플로 API와 레퍼런스는 www.tensorflow.org에서 2015년 11월 아파치2.0으로 라이선스되 오픈소스 패키지로 이용가능하다.

1. Introduction

The Google Brain project started in 2011 to explore the use of very-large-scale deep neural networks, both for research and for use in Google’s products. As part of the early work in this project, we built DistBelief, our first-generation scalable distributed training and inference system [14], and this system has served us well. We and others at Google have performed a wide variety of research using DistBelief including work on unsupervised learning [31], language representation [35, 52], models for image classification and object detection [16, 48], video classification [27], speech recognition [56, 21, 20], sequence prediction [47], move selection for Go [34], pedestrian detection [2], reinforcement learning [38], and other areas [17, 5]. In addition, often in close collaboration with the Google Brain team, more than 50 teams at Google and other Alphabet companies have deployed deep neural networks using DistBelief in a wide variety of products, including Google Search [11], our advertis-ing products, our speech recognition systems [50, 6, 46], Google Photos [43], Google Maps and StreetView [19], Google Translate [18], YouTube, and many others. 

1. 소개

구글 브레인 프로젝트는 2011년 연구와 구글 제품 사용의 목적으로 방대한 심층 신경망 연구부터 시작됐다. 프로젝트 초기 첫번째 분산 학습과 추론 시스템인 DistBelief를 구현했으며 정상적으로 동작했다. 그 후, 비지도 학습, 언어 표현, 이미지 분류와 객체 인식 모델, 비디오 분류, 음성 인식, 시퀀스 예측, Go언어의 이동 선택, 보행자 분석, 강화 학습등의 분야에서 DistBelied를 활용하기 시작했다. 게다가, 구글 브레인 팀과 협력으로 50개 이상의 구글팀과 Alphabet사가 구글 검색, 광고 제품, 음성 인식 시스템, 구글 포토, 구글 맵 및 스트리트뷰, 구글 번역, 유튜브등과 같은 제품서비스에 적용하기 시작했다.

Based on our experience with DistBelief and a more complete understanding of the desirable system properties and requirements for training and using neural networks, we have built TensorFlow, our second-generation system for the implementation and deployment of large-scale machine learning models. TensorFlow takes computations described using a dataflow-like model and maps them onto a wide variety of different hardware platforms, ranging from running inference on mobile device platforms such as Android and iOS to modest-sized training and inference systems using single machines containing one or many GPU cards to large-scale training systems running on hundreds of specialized ma-chines with thousands of GPUs. Having a single system that can span such a broad range of platforms significantly simplifies the real-world use of machine learning system, as we have found that having separate systems for large-scale training and small-scale deployment leads to significant maintenance burdens and leaky abstractions. TensorFlow computations are expressed as stateful dataflow graphs (described in more detail in Section 2), and we have focused on making the system both flexible enough for quickly experimenting with new models for research purposes and sufficiently high performance and robust for production training and deployment of machine learning models. For scaling neural network training to larger deployments, TensorFlow allows clients to easily express various kinds of parallelism through replication and parallel execution of a core model dataflow graph, with many different computational devices all collaborating to update a set of shared parameters or other state. Modest changes in the description of the computation allow a wide variety of different approaches to parallelism to be achieved and tried with low effort [14, 29, 42]. Some TensorFlow uses allow some flexibility in terms of the consistency of parameter updates, and we can easily express and take advantage of these relaxed synchronization requirements in some of our larger deployments. Compared to DistBelief, TensorFlow’s programming model is more flexible, its performance is significantly better, and it supports training and using a broader range of models on a wider variety of heterogeneous hardware platforms. 

DistBelif에서의 경험과 분산 시스템의 속성과 신경망을 이용한 학습에 필요한 부분을 기반해, 방대한 규모의 머신 러닝 모델을 구현하는 두번재 시스템인 텐서플로를 개발했다. 텐서플로는 수천개의 그래픽카드가 연결된 특수한 대규모 학습 시스템부터 여러 그래픽카드로 이뤄진 단일 시스템과 안드로이드 iOS와 같은 모바일 디바이스 플랫폼까지 다양한 하드웨어 플랫폼에서 사용할 수 있는 연산 기반 데이터 플로우 모델 및 매핑 형태를 취한다. 대규모 학습 및 소규모 구축에 필요한 별도의 시스템을 갖추면 유지 보수에 상당한 비용이 초래되므로, 다양한 플랫폼으로 확장할 수 있는 단일 시스템은 머신 러닝 시스템을 보다 간단히 사용할 수 있게한다. 텐서플로 연산은 데이터 플로우 그래프로 표현되며, 연구 목적 및 고성능 연산, 머신 러닝 모델을 간편히 구축하고 학습하는 제품을 보다 빨르고 유연하게 구성할 수 있게 한다. 신경망 학습을 좀 더 크게 확장하고자, 텐서플로는 코어 모델 데이터 플로우 그래프를 복제 및 병렬 연산을 통해 쉽게 표현할 수 있게 클라이언트에서 제공하며 파라미터 및 다른 상태를 공유할 수 있게 여러 연산 디바이스와 정보를 주고받는다. 이처럼, 다양한 변화를 통해 병렬 연산에 대해 다양하게 접근하고 쉽게 코드를 작성할 수 있다. 몇몇 텐서플로는 파라미터 갱신의 연속성의 관점에서 유연성을 제공하는데, 대규모 시스템의 동기화 문제에 있어 많은 도움이 된다. DistBelief와 비교해 텐서플로의 프로그래밍 모델은 훨씬 유연하고 성능 또한 좋으며, 다양한 하드웨어 플랫폼을 지원해 학습할 수 있다.

Dozens of our internal clients of DistBelief have already switched to TensorFlow. These clients rely on TensorFlow for research and production, with tasks as diverse as running inference for computer vision models on mobile phones to large-scale training of deep neural networks with hundreds of billions of parameters on hundreds of billions of example records using many hundreds of machines [11, 47, 48, 18, 53, 41]. Although these applications have concentrated on ma-chine learning and deep neural networks in particular, we expect that TensorFlow’s abstractions will be useful in a variety of other domains, including other kinds of machine learning algorithms, and possibly other kinds of numerical computations. We have open-sourced the TensorFlow API and a reference implementation under the Apache 2.0 license in November, 2015, available at www.tensorflow.org. 

DistBelief의 여러 내부 클라이언트는 이미 텐서플로로 전환됐다. 이러한 클라이언트는 텐서플로에 종속돼 연구와 제품에 사용되며 모바일 폰부터 수백개의 장치로 수천억개의 파라미터를 구성하는 대규모 학습 심층 신경망까지 컴퓨터 비젼 추론 실행에 이용된다. 이러한 애플리케이션이 머신 러닝과 심층 신경망에 집중되 있더라도, 텐서플로는 머신 러닝 알고리즘과 수치 연산과 같은 다양한 영역에서 사용할 수 있음이 기대된다. 텐서플로 API의 경우 오픈 소스로 공개했으며, 레퍼런스는 아파치 2.0 라이선스 형태로 www.tensorflow.org에서 확인할 수 있다.

The rest of this paper describes TensorFlow in more detail. Section 2 describes the programming model and basic concepts of the TensorFlow interface, and Section 3 describes both our single machine and distributed imple-mentations. Section 4 describes several extensions to the basic programming model, and Section 5 describes several optimizations to the basic implementations. Section 6 describes some of our experiences in using Ten-sorFlow, Section 7 describes several programming idioms we have found helpful when using TensorFlow, and Section 9 describes several auxiliary tools we have built around the core TensorFlow system. Sections 10 and 11 discuss future and related work, respectively, and Sec-tion 12 offers concluding thoughts. 

앞으로 이 논문에서 텐서플로를 좀 더 자세히 살펴본다. 섹션 2에서는 프로그래밍 모델과 텐서플로 인터페이스의 기본 개념을 설명하고, 섹션 3에서는 단일 장치와 분산 시스템에 대해 알아본다. 섹션 4에서는 기본적인 프로그래밍 모델로 확장하며, 섹션 5에서는 기본적인 구현을 최적화해본다. 섹션 6에서는 텐서플로를 이용해 코드를 작성해보며, 섹션 7에서는 텐서플로에 사용되는 프로그래밍 함수를 살펴보며, 섹션 9에서는 텐서플로 시스템에 구성된 보조 도구를 알아본다. 섹션 10과 11에서는 미래의 활용에 대해 고민해보며, 섹션 12에서 이 모든 내용을 정리해본다.

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